Tuesday, June 3, 2008

We're Here:)

Well, I'm still alive:) It was a rough flight!! Sooo bumpy!! Anyways, we made it safely and the girls had fun on the plane! Below is a picture of them waiting to board the plane.

Today we just visited with Dennis' parents and grandma. It's been over 2 years since we've seen some of Dennis' family. Tonight we played LCR. Lauren and Emily both won a game, with a big winnings of $2.10.

Dennis' mom has a bird, whose name is Princess!! Lauren and Emily love her and are afraid of her at the same time. She flies into them and scares the daylight out of them. I'm enclosing a picture of Emily with the bird.

Tomorrow we are heading to the Millennium Mall in Orlando with lunch at Sweet Tomato, which is a restaurant that I've been waiting to eat at. We've been to the Millennium Mall before, but it is soo huge and I'm always up for the mall!!


Dawn said...

Glad you made it! Have a great time at the mall! You're such a Mall Rat.

Love the pic of the bird. I'd be afraid of getting crapped on! ;)

Julie said...

Glad to hear you made it and love the pic of Emily and the canary.
Have yourself a fun time at the mall but remember to save a little money for the big trip to NY.
Lunchtime just isn't the same with the school kids gone for summer. 61 days until the wonderful SEACS teaching staff returns. Whoo hoo!

Amy said...

I know I am a mall rat. But guess what, I spent under $50.00. Yeah, I have NYC in the back of my mind:)

Miss you, any Cookie news?

Jill said...

OK, Julie I can't believe you have the count down! (61 days makes it sound kind of short!)

Amy are you trying to give me heart trouble, what do you mean it was a rough flight??!!
Glad the kids had fun!!
What kind of food is at the Sweet Tomato?
Have fun at the Mall.

Amy said...

Not trying to give you a heart attack, but I had to do some serious deep breathing:)

Sweet Tomato was sooo good. It was a restaurant that has huge salad, soup, pasta, and bread buffets. It also has ice cream and fruits. I loved it!

Julie's countdown does make the time seems soo short! No days countdown, anymore!!