Sunday, March 30, 2008


I've been promising Lauren and Emily that I would take them to the Grosslogy exhibit at the Midland Center for the Arts. Being that Spring Break is coming to an end, yesterday we decided to go. Emily brought her friend Alexandria and Lauren brought Garrett, her boyfriend.

Everyone had a good time. They had so many fun exhibits, but if I had to pick my favorite it would be the smell exhibit! At this exhibit there were four squeeze bottles that you could squeeze and a puff of smell would then come out. You had to place your nose over the hole and then guess what smell it was; your choices were: mouth, feet, armpit, and anus. Believe me, it was disgusting! I gagged!! Emily and Alexandria enjoyed climbing the skin wall and playing Operation using a life size person. It took about 30 minutes to work our way through the entire exhibit,so we decided to visit the other exhibits at the museum, the Armour of Army and the Hall of Ideas. All in all we enjoyed ourselves and spent over 2 hours there.

Afterwards we came home, ate supper, took a walk, and then laid around. About the same time, Dennis and I looked at each other and said that a chocolate milkshake sounded good. So, we headed back out to the store and got ice cream to make the milkshakes. Everyone enjoyed their milkshakes as we watched the movie, Just Friends, which is a good movie. I always feel awkward though when we watch a movie with Lauren's boyfriend and it shows inappropriate stuff. Oh - what to do, what to do!!

Bye for now! ~Amy

Friday, March 28, 2008

Okay, Okay, I will!!

Finally!! After much pressure, I won't mention any names, I have decided to start a blog:) At first, I thought, why, because nothing really interesting happens in my family. Everyone else seems to have way more interesting happenings in their families. So here goes everything interesting and uninteresting about the Bojos.

I just purchased my own laptop, which I'm using right now:) It is kinda nice having the ability to work online while being in front of the T.V. You know how we have to multitask:) Also, two of us can be on the Internet at the same time, yeah! So this means I should be able to get more work done! We'll see!

Yesterday, Dawn, Jill, and I went to the Somerset Mall and ate at Benihanas. We had so much fun! I've been waiting for both of them to blog about what we did and saw and nothing from either of them. So, here I go. First big bonus, I didn't get sick from eating at Benihanas. We were all worried and Jill even gave me some Imodium AD to insure that it would be a good outcome:) Background info: I break out in hives when I eat at Gengi's so we assumed that since they are so similar, I might have the same problem. All was good, though!

After walking around for awhile we came upon the Godiva store. We were salivating over the delicious looking food from the window and then Dawn said, I'm gonna buy one! She paid $7.50 for a chocolate covered fruit kabob from Godiva that had 3 strawberries and 2-3 bananas on it, which her and Jill shared. And if that wasn't enough, Jill then bought two $4.00 chocolate covered peanut butter cups and they ate both of these right in front of me. How rude:) Think of all the extra running you both will have to do that I don't:)

Then, Emily got to go to Build-A-Bear and buy her third bear. She got a white bear with light pink splotches and a cute dress to match it. Dawn and Jill have never been to one of these stores and were impressed with the store and amazed with how many people were in the store. Remember it was Spring Break and every child was there with his/her parents, many of them yelling, crying, etc. It was crazy in there!!

Lastly, Dawn wanted to go into this nice store that sold all black and white clothing. She needed a dress for Joe's Knights of Columbus ceremony, a wedding, and this year's 8th graduation. She picked out the first dress and it looked nice on her, but it was an old woman's dress. Now, this is my thing! I love to pick out stuff for other people to try on, so I started handing dresses to her to try on! She tried on between 7-10 dresses and found a nice, much "cooler" dress that made her look "hot". The salesclerk then found some funky cool shoes and we topped the outfit off with a dressy shawl! She looked great!! Joe will eat his heart out!

We ended the day with smoothies and headed home in the snow! Yuck, I hate driving in the snow but it was worth it! I had alot of fun and hope we do it next year!

It is hard to believe that Spring break is over! But on a positive note, I only have 2 months of school left! Yeah!