Thursday, August 21, 2008

15 Years Ago Today...

my baby was born! Yep, Lauren turned 15 today! Hard to imagine that my baby is almost grown up. We spent a quiet day hanging around the house, Lauren waiting for all her birthday calls. She had her boyfriend, Taylor, over and he gave her a really nice gold necklace for her birthday! He is a really nice guy who Dennis and I both like. When I get a picture of them together, I will post it online.

We are having a small party on Sunday for her, but tonight we went to bd's Mongolian Barbecue restaurant, in Flint, for dinner. We always allow the girls pick where they want to eat for their birthday dinners, and this was it for Lauren. We had fun, my mom went with us, my dad was supposed to as well, but he had an Elks meeting at the last minute, Lauren received a "foil" pigtail helmet, and last but not least, the dreaded stomach issues we have. Something about these types of restaurants wrecks havoc on our stomachs.

Lauren, Emily, and I all complained on the ride home of stomach cramps. Emily was the first "victim" and stunk us all out of the bathroom:) Of course, I was next up! So far Lauren is good and Dennis never has a problem, as he has a stomach of steel.

Below is a picture of Lauren with her birthday helmet.

Lauren eating her birthday dessert.

Dennis, Lauren, Emily and I posing for the camera~


Dawn said...

Happy Birthday Lauren! Glad it was a good day. I love Mongolian BBQ, sorry it killed all your stomachs though. ;)

Lisa said...

Happy birthday Lauren! Hope you had a great day. Next year, you will be getting your drivers license. How fun for all of you!!LOL

Amy said...

Thanks Dawn and Lisa!

We all love Mongolian BBQ too! I thought I was safe there, obiviously not. Should of taken some of Jill's medicine:)

Don't rush this next year, Lisa, we can wait:)

Jill said...

I do have to take medicine before eating at Mongolian BBQ, but it is a favorite of ours.

I so glad to here someone else with issues.

I hope Lauren had a great day.

Amy said...

It's always you and I, huh! I feel comfort in your issues, as well:)

We will have to go to eat there with all the family.

I think Lauren had a good day, I hope she did, anyways.

Julie said...

Happy belated birthday to a beautiful young lady. 15 already! Ah the joys.
Great family pix!

Amy said...

Thanks, Julie!!