Monday, April 7, 2008

Doldrums and Boyfriends

What a boring weekend I had. I didn't go to the store or anywhere. I spent most of the weekend in my pajamas grading papers! Yuck! Although it always feels good when I get them done, a necessary evil!:)

Now for the boyfriend part. Throughout my high school years I always remember my parents telling me to get my head in my studies and and away from the boys. I did like the boys, but not excessively. They say you get paid back in spades, right. Enter my first born daughter, Lauren.

Lauren is a freshman this year and hasn't shown any interest in boys until 3-4 months ago. I was beginning to worry. Finally, she had her first boyfriend, who we really got to like! Within 2 months, she broke up with him and was with a new guy. Her new boyfriend was okay, not the first one, whom we had gotten close to. Well, tonight she broke up with boyfriend number 2 because she found out that he smokes. I don't know whether to be proud or talk with her about going through boys excessively, because I think she is already eyeing up the next one!! I always spent more that 2 months with my boyfriends in high school! So, stay tuned!!

Funny story - Last week when I was taking Lauren to school and Emily was with me she noticed the moon in the sky. It was big and highly visible, a beautiful sight. Anyways, Emily was silent after pointing to the moon and exclaiming how big it was and then she says to me, "Mom, someday can we go to the Moon?" Just like we can go to the mall, right! I told her, Emily, if you have 20 million dollars, we can go to the moon." "Oh," she replied, and that was then end of that:) There are no boundaries with her, she reaches for the stars in her mind!

This is the same daughter who after being told about how Jesus died for our sins and rose again, says, "Mom, if he can die and come back to life, why can't I?" I love her quesitons, she challenges me! So, stay tuned!!!

Have a good week!!~Amy


Lisa said...

Amy-anthony once asked me if Fr. Bill was God. Don't you just love how their minds work.

Amy said...

hey!!! Kids are so funny! That is great! I hope you told Fr. Bill. Amy