Friday, May 9, 2008

Finally, an Answer

As most of you know the second week of April I took my students to Hartley Outdoor Nature Camp. The class that I was helping to teach was the Ecology class. During this class, the students were expected to investigate the forest and its surroundings.

On our first class outing Monday afternoon, I picked up some leaves off the forest floor thinking it was wintergreen, so the students could smell it. One of my students said, "Mrs. Bojo, I think that is poison ivy." Another student chimed in, "No, it is too early for poison ivy." So, okay, I thought.

Fast forward to that Wednesday night. I began to break out in a rash on my legs. It soon spread to my thighs and then my arms. It also itched like crazy. I went to the doctors and he didn't know what it was and gave me an antibiotic and itch medicine.

A week later the rash on my legs and arms were gone, but the itching persisted. Back to the doctors I went to have him tell me I have dry skin. Another week went by and the itching persisted, but wasn't as bad.

Then this past Tuesday, while I was at work, I went to the bathroom. When I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and I noticed red spots all around my eyes and down the left side of my face. Within a day, it spread to my forehead, other cheek and down my neck. So, I called my doctor's office and he told me to go to a dermatologist. It was late in the afternoon that day, so I went to RediMed. Again, this doctor told me he didn't know what I have, but gave me three prescriptions to take.

This past Wednesday, the rash got worse and then Thursday I called the dermatologist to make an appointment. Today, Firday, I went to the dermatologist, who was a very nice man, and he told me that I have Poison Ivy.

Finally, someone knew why I was itching and breaking out. He tells me that I need to rewash everything. Nice!! Sounds like fun. So, Lucky Me!!! Now I know what the deal is and I hope to have it cleared up soon. We'll see!!


Dawn said...

Oh Amy, no doubt next year at Hartley you'll remember "leaves of three leave them be." It only really stinks that you've dealt with it for almost a month now! Insane!

Glad they finally have it figured out.

Julie said...

You aren't going to forget this for a long time are you? Hopefully you finally have a correct diagnosis and on the mend.

Amy said...

Dawn and Julie,
I did tell the doctor, who also happened to be very cute, that next year I would pay closer attention to what I picked up.

Dawn, thanks for the mnemonic device to remember Poison Ivy:)

Jill said...

OK, I thought only the oil from the plant was contagious. So how are you spreading this?

Dawn said...

Happy Mother's Day!