Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily!!

Emily's birthday was this past Monday!! It is hard to believe that 8 years have past since she was born. We had her birthday this past Friday since we had prior commitments every weekend this month. It was a small party, which was nice, but we still had a good time. She received several more Webkinz animals and her new Nintendo DS from mom and dad. It was nice to get together with family and friends. By the end of the night, Emily had me talked into letting her cousin, neighbor friend, and school friend spend the night. Below is a picture of Emily at her party.

Saturday morning we all got up early to watch Emily play soccer on her school league. We enjoyed watching her team play. But when I speak of Emily playing, I say it lightly. Emily mostly stood around watching the ball pass her by. She is too afraid to get hurt, so she doesn't get involved. She isn't much of a contact sport person, as Dennis stated so precisely, "This isn't her sport." Anyways, it was fun and we thought we would give it a try. Below are some pictures of the game and the girls that went with us.

Last, but certainly not least. Lauren was recently invited to the high school award's ceremony. She received a Magna Cum Laude award for her Freshman school year. She did an amazing job this year with her grades. Dennis and I are very proud of her. She has really pulled it together and done very well, grade wise.

To round out all this "happy" news, I can share that we are now broke after getting my car fixed:) It broke down Mother's Day and has been in the shop ever since. I should be getting it back tomorrow, after I find that money tree:) Anyways, pray that nothing else goes wrong with my car, we have put almost $4000.00 into it within the past 2 months, and we need a reprieve. Dennis jokingly mentioned that I wouldn't be able to afford my trip to NYC in June and I added that we ALSO wouldn't be able to afford his hunting trip in November. He didn't say too much after that. I think I got my point across.


Jill said...

I glad to hear the Emily's party was a success.

I'm kind of jealous that Lauren is getting good grades, because that is not happening yet with Taylor. However I'm proud of her!

That darn car, we most be able to afford our trip!!!!!!

Dawn said...

Happy Belated Birthday Emily! Looks like an awesome weekend; love all the pictures.

Congratulations to Lauren on her successful freshman year! That is great news. Keep up the good work!

Not so happy news about the crapmobile! Please don't park your van near mine; we can't afford any of your van germs. ;) Seriously though, that absolutely stinks you had to throw so much money into it. I'm amazed you've kept smiling about it, I think I'd be crying for a year.

Lisa said...

Happy b-day Emily! Congrats to Lauren. What an honor for her and you both as well. Also Amy nice comback with the hunting comment. Hats off to you!!!!!

Amy said...

Don't worry, we will go to NYC if I have to beg!:) I'm buying Hairspray tickets tonight!! Broadway, here we come:)

Amy said...

Thanks for recognizing and understanding how much of an accomplishment Lauren's grades are this year. Looking back, it has been rough but we got through it!!

Hey, don't you have lots of extra George cash laying around now?!?! What, you don't want to spend it on your car? Can I park next to you if I promise to be nice?

Amy said...

Thanks for the kindness, middle school was rough for Lauren, but high school seems to suit her.

You like the comment:) You know, us women have to stick together!!

Julie said...

You're going to HAIRSPRAY!?! I just loved that play. Got to see it at Heritage Theatre last year. A good 'chick' play with a moral message.
Happy belated birthday to Emily and WTG Lauren! May you have many more award ceremonies to attend.
Sounds like your van got your poison ivy: the joy kept spreading and spreading and spreading. May it give your many months of relief now. Maybe you could convince some of Dawn's students to go to the Mint next week while they are in DC and see if they are passing out free samples? :-)

Amy said...

Thanks for the love and support! I guess my van did get some posion, huh! Dennis just brought it home, said it rides good, but smells funny.

Hey, good idea about the money, I think they might do something lilke that:)